We have solutions for GMDSS. We keep very good relationships with worldwide established and recognized companies, while all products meet SOLAS requirements. A1/A2/A3/A4 stations, MF/HF DSC Radio, VHF DSC Radios, Portable VHF Radio, Inmarsat C, Fleet Broadband, VSAT.

Our company can bring voice communications anywhere on earth. We offer systems with simple installations which can be done at any distance on the ship, with the minimum possible size and which are built for maritime applications. We also provide GMDSS (INMARSAT, EPIRB) and other compulsory for the vessel according to SOLAS regulations systems.

In Marilot we focus on user friendly solutions with low lifecycles costs, for the benefit of the owner or the shipbuilder. Our systems unite years of automation engineer under high quality state of the art, engage optimized features for the maritime needs and approved applications (engine monitoring for watch-free operation, performance and FO consumption monitoring) as well as 3rd party interfaces (VDR, engine clock and safety systems).

Energy Efficiency
Marilot’s energy efficient navigation solutions are enabling control to achieve a straight route only with the autopilot. The ship will follow the direction of set course and will remain un-influenced from tides or heavy seas. The final result is the best rudder control (reduced route deviations), shorted sailing distance and reduction of wasted rudder, while contributing to safety and energy efficient navigation. Those can be also integrated to retrofit vessels.

Spare Parts
Choosing which replacement part, it is vital for the life of systems. A cheaper after-market part is not necessarily the cheapest in the long run.
- Genuine spare parts
- Warranty from manufacturer
- Competitive prices